NYC Knife Training - A High Art
NYC Knife Training - A High Art

Chen Taijiquan by Yu Guo Shun

Chen Taijiquan, also known as Chen Tai Chi is the ORIGINAL Tai Chi form. There is a lot of confusion and many people believe INCORRECTLY that only those from Chen Village in China, teach the authentic and correct forms of Chen Taijiquan. What most people don't know or understand is that in the early 20th century, the famous teacher, Chen Fa Ke, taught in Beijing and his influence on Taijiquan was very profound and he had quite a few disciples that taught.


Master Yu Guo Shun is MY teacher, and in my opinion, he is the best Chen Tai Chi teacher around. He teaches Chen Tai Chi as a true martial art, and true Kung Fu.


He lives in Brooklyn, and he teaches in Manhattan and is available for group classes and he also is available for private lessons.


Check out his videos on youtube!


I have been a student of Master Yu Guo Shun for a number of years now, and recommend him very, very highly.



Master Yu Guoshun is the twelfth generation descendant of Chen Style Taichi Chuan and a long time disciple of late Master Ma Hong. He also studied extensively with Master Chen Yu. Master Yu offers group classes weekly in New York City, and also offers private lessons and workshops all over the US. If you are interested in taking lesson from him in NYC or invite him to your area to teach please feel free to contact him:


Phone: 917-535-3916


Weekly group lessons information is posted on Facebook page:

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